
G'day from W.A.

Wildflowers of Western Australia Weeds


Photographed as wildflowers, identified as weeds.

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Yellow Wood Sorrel Oxalis corniculata
Yellow Wood Sorrel

Yellow Wood Sorrel is considered an Old World plant.

Infuse the leaves for a refreshing drink with a tang of lemon, rich in vitamin C.

Guilford Grass Romulea rosea
* Guilford Grass

Romulea rosea (Guildford grass, Onion grass) is a member of the Iris family.

Introduced as a garden plant and eventually infested the Guildford area of Perth hence the local common name.

The tough wiry stems can form fibre balls in the intestine of grazing animals, which can be fatal.

Rose Geranium Pelargonium capitatum
* Rose Geranium
Cape Bluebell Wahlenbergia capensis
* Cape Bluebell

Cape Bluebell is a noxious weed from the Cape Province in South Africa, with no documented cultural or other uses.

Widely naturalised in the south-west of W.A.

Narrowleaf Cottonbush Gomphocarpus fruticosus
* Narrowleaf Cottonbush

All parts of Narrowleaf Cottonbush are toxic to stock.

In South Africa, the roots, leaves, seeds, stems, sap and fruit are dried, powdered, roasted, infused and decocted for a general medicine.

Experienced healers can treat diarrhoea, pain, diabetes, asthma, bronchitis, lumbago and much more.

Hare's Foot Clover Trifolium arvense
Hare's Foot Clover
Salad Rocket Eruca sativa
Salad Rocket

Rocket (Eruca sativa) is a popular salad vegetable, medicinal plant and aphrodisiac.

Pliny the elder (50 AD): "Rocket seed cures the poisons of scorpions and of the shrew-mouse; it keeps off all the little parasites breeding on the body, and removes spots on the skin of the face when applied with honey, freckles when applied with vinegar...

Virgil (40 BC): "et veneris revocans eruca morantuem"
("the rocket excites the sexual desire of drowsy people").

Scarlet Pimpernel Anagallis arvensis
Scarlet Pimpernel

The Scarlet Pimpernel

Sir Percy is a wealthy Englishman who rescues individuals from the guillotine - a master of disguise, an imaginative planner, a formidable swordsman and a quick-thinking escape artist.

With each rescue he taunts his enemies by leaving behind a card showing a small flower — a scarlet pimpernel.

Blue Pimpernel Anagallis arvensis
Blue Pimpernel
Topped Lavender Lavandula stoechas
Topped Lavender

The fragrant lavender oil is extracted from the Lavandula leaves to make perfume and varnish.

Medicinal plant used for aromatherapy, asthma, chest ailments and cramp.

Introduced as a garden plant in 1850 and declared a noxious weed 70 years later.

Blowfly Grass Briza maxima
Blowfly Grass

Blowfly Grass is an invasive weed that reduces species diversity.

It competes with the native orchids in bushland and is controlled in part by kangaroos which eat the flowering heads.

Great for ornamental dried flower arrangements.

Spreading Night Phlox Zaluzianskya divaricata
* Spreading Night Phlox
Patersons Curse Echium plantagineum
Paterson's Curse

Paterson's Curse is a highly fertile, toxic weed that can kill pigs and horses.

Introduced from the Mediterranean as a garden plant.

The source for a high quality, light coloured honey and an alternative to dietary fish oils.

Opium Poppy - Papaver somniferum in Latin refers to the coma inducing properties of the plant extracts.

Papaver means poppy.

somnus (sleep) + fero (to bring).

Stinking Roger Tripteris clandestina
* Stinking Roger
Rose Geranium Pelargonium capitatum
* Rose Geranium
One-leaved Cape Tulip Moraea flaccida
* One-leaf Cape Tulip

One-leaf Cape Tulip is toxic to stock and a serious weed of pasture, cereal crops, roadsides and disturbed bushland.

Introduced as an ornamental garden plant.

The ornamental Lantana camara is toxic to livestock and listed a one of the "Worlds Worst Weeds".

12,000 seeds from each plant per year.

* Native to South Africa

